

  • I’ve just started studying this career and I still don’t know if I really like it or not as I havent been able to see many things. Throughout many years I’ve always thought that architecture was what I wanted to do on a future, and it wasn’t until it came close enough that I started doubting of what I wanted to do, so I studied very hard to later be able to chose whatever I wanted to study. When it got to the point where I had to chose a career to study I wasn’t very sure if I would really like studying architecture, but I thought that to know it I had to enter the career and then decide by myself wether I want or not to continue studying it. Now that I’ve been a couple of months studying it, I am brave to say that I think that I made a good choice, because not only I’m liking the career, but also, I’m starting to apreciate more my surrounding, now when I walk down the streets, I pay much more attention to the building and everything. Architecture has helped me to be more united with the nature and to appreciate more the days.


  • When I started the year studying, I admit that I was very lost, I dind’t know how the classes worked like in a universitary environment, so I’ve always been very afraid in every subject because I dind’t know how to take them. At the same time there’s a subject called “Introducción a la arquitectura”, that when I started I dind’t know how it worked and I saw it a bit strange, but throughout the days, each time I liked it more and more and has even got to be my favourite subject. Thanks to this subject I’ve researched a lot about different architects and different works from them, which has made myself involve a lot more into the architectural world and now I understand much more than what I ever expected, it also has made me see what type of architects do I follow more, which also has awaken an interest on me to then on a future try to do similar things to these arquitects that I’ve studied throughout the subjetc, so all of these assingments have benefited myself with a lot of cultural information.